Thursday, April 26, 2012

Let’s Examine The 2 Worlds,

Let’s Examine The 2 Worlds,
Secular elderly
Chareidi ultra orthodox elderly
As the secular old folks sit in Florida all alone, as their assimilated and intermarried offspring’s reside far away in Hollywood, the old secular Jew is a sad soul. Many hoped their kids would marry Jews and give them some nachos (Jewish joy). Instead they raised a generation of confused, ignorant youth, who know nothing of their heritage. They were sent to public school and have been raised on empty values. 
You old secular Jewish folks do get a visit once in 4 years by your selfish secular young brats. And that is to urge you to vote Obama,the Jew hater. You old Momma try’s to argue with the likes of comedian Sarah Silverman who in her pea brain thinks Obama is good for Jews. But the old secular Jewish momma gives in to her liberal. Knucklehead grandchildren and votes Obama,hoping to stay connected to her drifting away offspring.
The young brats don’t care much about their elders suffering in Florida where secular elderly Jews go through medical experiments like Auschwitz by doctors taking advantage of these secular old folks whose children have abandon them as they use their parents savings to live it up in Hollywood. NOW CONTRAST the Chareidi ultra orthodox old folks. Who receive infinite nachos,joy from their children,grandchildren,great grandchildren,and even great great grand children. 
The secular,reform and conservative youth just want their parents money and no remembrance of them,even after death. They are increasingly cremating their parents body’s to alleviate their guilt of marrying shikshas. 
You old folks wake up.
You don’t need to suffer. 
The ultra orthodox black hat world welcomes you.
Write your assets over to chareidi institutions,like chabad,satmar,Lakewood. 
Give power of attorney only to an ultra orthodox rabbi so that when you pass on, you will receive a proper Jewish burial and not be cremated like the nazis did.
If you need directions, contact
We don’t need your money but will direct you to authentic yeshivas in need of support.

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