Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Revolution In Israeli Politics

Chareidim are the reason Israel is a Jewish state. I continue sitting when I am out of town in a modern orthodx shul and they make a blessing of the medinah. Sometimes I'm the only one sitting in a crowd of several hundred. Some people give me a dirty look but if they have any comments,I respond accordingly. Never should a chareidi community water down their standards and beliefs otherwise they will end up going down like the modern orthodox. You need to emulate the first Jew Abraham. Extreme is the only way to go. All our real leaders were uncomprimizing when it came to Torah. If failure happens its because of comprimize. Raising kids must be with extreme. Extreme means extreme joy of Torah not just extreme on dress or traditions. Speaking yiddish,wearing a streimel and eating chulent is Not enough. We must realize the world has a Creator and that we are His agents. If you wish you were born not Jewish or instead of a human you were a cat,something is wrong with you. A Jew means your soul is vastly different than the rest of society. A jew is of inifinite royalty. When I check into a hotel the first thing I do is check the cabinet draw for the Gideon bibles. Most hotels out of Ny seem to have it. I tear out the new testament and put it back leaving our Torah and dump the NT into the trash. Imagine no one puts history of others into hotels. Why. We r the center of the world.

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