Thursday, April 26, 2012


As Jews we oppose abortions on demand as a capital offense. The Torah (Jewish bible) states in the era of Noach,the seven laws given to non Jews known as the laws Noachide. The details of the Noachide Laws, or Noahide Code can be goggled. The law forbidding murder, includes Abortions. The Torah states He who spills the blood of man WITHIN man, his blood shall be spilled. Our sages teach us that the term MAN WITHIN MAN refers to a fetes within the womb of the mother. Only in a case where the mothers life is in danger may an abortion takes place. Her life comes first for the Torah considers the fetus as an attacker upon the life of the mother, when endangered. Women who have abortions should realize they are murderers just like the nazis who cut up live babies. Its not only the baby in their womb that gets destroyed,but all the future generations that would of came forth as well. On the day of Judgement,all these women and their Feminist supporters will be attacked and yelled at by the numerous children who were destined to be issued from them. As Jews we know that hell exists just as G-d exists. Heaven and Hell is the foundation of Judaism. If you not knowing the seriousness of having an abortion,had one,contact your local orthodox Rabbi on how you can repent for such a capital sin. For non Jews in the Noachide laws it is punishable by death,while Jews are liable for the death penalty only upon killing a viable life after 30 days old. The death penalty still exists despite it not being carried out by the supreme Jewish court of 2000 years ago. When one dies in a car accident,fire,falls off a roof etc. it is Heavens way of exacting justice. We find male gays die of AIDS,suicide and murder on a higher pace than the rest of society. G-ds law of justice exists to our day. Open your eyes wide and see. 

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