Today the world population is 7 billion as the atheists,radical feminists and liberal looney’s shriek about overpopulation!
It is the selfish liberal anti Torah element,that continues to hate ultra orthodox Jews who follow the command of the Torah (Jewish bible) in being fruitful and multiplying. Some families have between 21 and 23 children and we are proud of them. The reform and secular crowd usually may have 1 child and three dogs. The liberal atheists are so self centered,that they are driven to make up lies that the earth is overpopulated. The fact is that the earth can sustain even a hundred billion people. In America millions of secular Jews are going lost through assimilation,intermarriage,homosexuality and abortions on demand. Within a few short years,only the Chareidi ultra orthodox Jew will remain in America as well as in Israel. Once the government of Israel changes to chareidi as is happening on all fronts,such as many chareidim have been given access to all levels of Israeli intelligence, we will lower the marriage legal age to conform to Jewish law. We urge all young women to get married and pregnant and not waste their youth in college losing their minds and souls. Let’s all celebrate the new population growth of 7 billion. It was a hundred years ago that atheists also claimed that increase population would destroy the earths resources. Well guess what, there were no trucks,planes,refrigeration,etc at the time, but we Jews have our instructions from the Landlord of the world to be fruitful and multiply,and know that the earth can hold many more humans. Liberal fools wake up. Its about time.
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