Thursday, April 26, 2012

Modern chassidim are like modern orthodox and is a grave threat to Judaism worse than jews for jesus.

Fact is that once you have legalized homosexuality through gay rights twenty some odd years ago and legalized gay marriage last year, sexual attacks on children have increased. The legitimizing of serious sins only breeds more sin. There is no question that western society is breaking down due to their legalizing serious deviant behavior where in a short few years living with your pet dog will become a noble trendy lifestyle. A few hollywood stars will come out publicly and all the zombie fans will emulate them. The first thing parents must do is make sure their kids are dressed tznius and get female only tutors for their daughters. Too many borderline modern orthodox types as well modern chassidish types allow their wives to dress with skirts that do not cover or barely cover the knees especially when sitting. This new disease called modern chassidism which basicly boils down to three qualifications. One is you must wear a streimel,speak yiddish and eat a massive amount of chulent after candlelighting which of course is forbbiden as you need to enter shabbos with an apetite. Modern chassidim are like modern orthodox and is a grave threat to Judaism worse than jews for jesus. I watch these two growing dangerous groups and the next generation gets worse. We must stop this danger by making the public aware about this relativly new cancer. There needs to be a complete overhaul of the liberal politicians who support anti Torah agendas be it abortions on demand,gay rights,ERA,etc. I hope my input was helpful. Have a wonderful day.

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