Thursday, April 26, 2012


WHY WOMEN GET RAPED? PART TWO We have been getting dozens of e mails from women claiming they have been rape victims and why do we of the Jewish community blame the victim and not the rapist. A victim of rape, many times are actually an accessory to the crime. HOW you ask? By dressing in an immodest fashion, calls out to men to rape her. Just as one who counts a pile of cash in middle of a high crime area, and gets robbed. The cops would classify him an idiot for counting his cash in public, especially in a high crime, drug infested area. Who else is guilty besides the rape victims who dress proactively. The fashion designers, Department stores, media ads, Hollywood movies industry and the public education system that has turned millions of innocent women into sluts. Just as we hold cigarette company’s accountable for victims of lung cancer, so too the above producers of immoral images and cloths, should be held accountable for victims of rape. The best way for non Jewish and secular women to avoid rape is to dress with long skirts and wear stockings, that covers the legs and toes. Women should not scan the streets looking at men but rather walk with their eyes looking down at the pavement. Women who flirt, smile or wink at men are looking for trouble. DONT BECOME AN ACCESSORY TO RAPE. Dress with a long dress, that is not tight fitted or cutout. We in the observant Jewish comminutes have no cases of rape because the women dress modestly and don’t hang out after 9 PM or in isolated areas. Don’t be brainwashed by today’s women’s fashion that opens you up to becoming a victim of rape.


  1. Is this because all men are animals without any self control whatsoever? Speak for yourself.

    Or is this because you are completely ignorant. Ever heard of Pesha Leah Lapine? Was she a Crown Heights slut? The Rebbe didn't think so.

    You are a fake chossid. The Rebbe never spoke about women like this. Ugh. A chillul hashem and chillul lubavitch.

  2. I taught women's self defense for over ten years.
    I was a member of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers.
    I worked the rape crisis hotlines for a fair while
    I've done published academic research on the subject.

    Every single word you've written about the horrible crime of rape is a lie. Every. Single. Damnable. Word. It's all designed to avoid responsibiltiy and blame the victim for the benefit of criminals and deviants
