No orthodox Jewish group was as successful in destroying the anti Torah anti religious SECULAR JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS as the famous Bernie Madoff. For over 50 years the Agudath Israel organization fought legal battles to win vouchers and support for private yeshivas. The opponents were high priced lawyers from the AJC. The American Jewish Committee and also congress opposed aid to yeshivas and Jewish day schools. Than there was the chassidic Satmar group that fought another anti religious entity based in Israel known as Haddassah hospital. In the 1970s they forced religious patients who died in their hospitals to be autopsied. They cut Jewish bodies up like butchers and refused to stop despite protest rallies by religious Jews in Israel. Satmar Rebbe Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum stepped in and rallied here in America and had his followers plaster pictures of the gruesome bloody body’s all over manhattan streets and train stations. Agudath Israel also joined in with a non stop telephone campaign to Haddassah offices in New York. This was just two examples of the bitter wars going on with these vicious secular anti chareidi gangs. Many of you reading this blog are too young to remember. Now comes our hero Bernie Madoff and wipes out the financial ammunition used against orthodox Jews. The AJC losses millions and we read in the Jewish week newspaper how they are forced to close their offices due to Madoff. Next we read how Haddassah loses millions to Madoff which cuts their anti Chareidi funds. Than we read about how YU loses its millions to Madoff. YU has destroyed the minds of many young Jews by their modern orthodox mis-education and the allowing of gay clubs on their campus.
Then Elie Wiesel losses his millions to Madoff. A man who walks around bareheaded representing Judaism is like a black man representing NAACP wearing a KKK hood. Mr. Madoff, you must of had some zchus merit to destroy the enemies of our people when all the big frum groups could not accomplish this in years of fighting. Thank you and may your accomplishments be blessed may you have a place in garden of Eden for this alone I look up to you . The list of enemies of the Chareidi world being destroyed financially include quite a few reform and conservative heretical Temples as well. Thank you Reb Bernie from all of us in the authentic Jewish community. THANK YOU.
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